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MG RB-79K Ball....

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My very first Master Grade model kit would be Ball, not the one you seen in football or the part where girls would like to give a swift kick to it but this one:

It took me several hours to complete the model and it isn't that difficult except the sticker part, and off with the really short review:
Unlike HG and such, the MG version are more detail and here is the inner part or skeleton whatsoever of the Ball. It is not that difficult at all if you had build model kits before and the manual is easy to follow, there are plenty of very small parts so be careful not to lost it. The box contains 7 set of model parts and not all are needed to be assembled; one of it is to be made into base to hold the figure. There are 2 set of stickers where one is new to me as well two small metal rods and a type of string. Apart from the manual book it comes with a catalog of other model kits.
For this kit I use a scissor, a tweezer and I don't have a plier so a nail clipper instead (-_-) . The nail clipper is for cutting off pieces of model parts from the mold sprues and yeah, it works fine... to me. If you wish to paint it to look more nicer then there are 5 colors mentioned in the manual book so prepare to spend more.
After finish most of the parts I come upon this special sticker, it's not those peel off then paste, but you place the sheet onto the surface and then rub onto the surface of the sticker like you're pasting onto it which will then stick onto the surface. In other words, no peeling just place and paste. The sticker is very very thin and most are very very small and will easily torn apart even with a tiny peel(that's why it can't be peel off). Once it sticks either you scratch it off(byebye sticker) or leave it.
There you go.... Finished. The size isn't that big but not small either, you can move its arm as well its pincers and the twin cannon on top can changed with another type of cannon. The cockpit can be opened which is located on the Ball eye with a small human figure inside it... all pretty detailed and well done.

Easy to assemble.
Have few extra accessories.
Looks good as what a Master Grade is.

The arms seems to be a bit loosey.

Rating: 7/10

4 Responses to “MG RB-79K Ball....”

  1. Anonymous Anonymous 

    You win for buying a manly Ball, but...


    Fails for not being funny and perform a Ball-terrorises-Pinky-by-grabbing-her-high-in-the-air pose >_>

    Anyway, using nail clippers, eh? Have problems with white flashes off the cut off parts?

  2. Anonymous Anonymous 

    What the... why didn't I think of that >_<

  3. Anonymous Anonymous 

    >What the... why didn't I think of that >_<

    It's an obvious sign that you haven't been lurking around at crazy retarded image boards (Japanese or Western) where people with too much time on their hands post funny/lewd pictures involving their overpriced plastic toys.

  4. Anonymous Anonymous 

    Well I've seen a few, one where meer campbell being rape by a mecha and oh nvm :p . Gotta see more of those....

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